Product Information

Torque Limiter

Torque Limiter

Torque limiter is a protective device that limits torque transmitted in a drive system by slipping when torque demand exceeds a preset value as a result of shock loads, over loads or machine jams.
Detailed Description

Torque limiter is a protective device that limits torque transmitted in a drive system by slipping when torque demand exceeds a preset value as a result of shock loads, over loads or machine jams. It automatically re-engages when the overload torque has passed, no resetting is required. Torque Limiters is a mechanical device which protects Motor or Machine from overload. Our Torque Limiters is precisely designed to assure long life and trouble free drive systems. Torque limiter can be used with a sprocket, gear, sheave or flange plate as a centre member that is clamped between two friction facings.


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